Stepping on the Path of Integral Leadership

By Jill Robinson
The Integral Leadership Mastery program provides a path of self-discovery, a vision for the future and a close-knit practice community offering wisdom and support. This exploration is aimed at tapping into our extraordinary capacity to produce positive changes in key areas of life. Integral Leadership participants, Dusty Niles and Lisa Wade, share what Integral Leadership means to them and how it is realized in their daily lives.

Integration as a Launchpad Toward Our Full Potential

By Pam Kramer, Barbara Brown
This exercise will allow us to bring vitality and awareness to our own integral parts of body, mind, heart and soul. It is meant to help us notice that we can connect with our different parts and sense into and awaken to the messages that they have for us. By attuning to each dimension of our being, we can shape the direction of our growth and the way we show up in the world.

Loving Action Toward Global Transformation

By Emanuel Kuntzelman
There is a reason communities of activists and change makers bring up the topic of love in global transformation. The very nature of the cosmos is driven by the power of evolutionary love, and we are now beginning to understand what that could mean for creating positive and lasting change around the world.

ITP Community Spotlight on Sally Isaacs

By Sally Isaacs, Jill Robinson
Learn more about Sally Isaacs and the experience and insight she's gained as a practitioner. She shares; "I am inspired by the concept of transformation. Through words and practice, I believe we can change how we feel and the course our life takes each day."

A Guided Practice into the Crystalline State

By George Leonard
Learn how to open your mind and heart to stay current with both yourself and others. In this guided exercise led by co-founder George Leonard, you’ll experience how the Crystalline State can provide a means for temporarily setting aside expectations and judgements to offer clarity. This exercise will help you to move with intentionality in a balanced and centered state of being.

Homeostasis and Resistance to Change

By George Leonard
In this spirited presentation, ITP co-founder George Leonard describes the reasons why we humans are wired to resist change and how we can negotiate with resistance in order to grow and transform.

Balancing and Centering

By George Leonard
Bring your entire being into balance during this guided ITP exercise led by co-founder George Leonard. Using the foundational practices of ITP and Leonard Energy Training, you’ll gain an understanding of why being centered sets the course for a harmonious and balanced life, and how to return to your center during life’s challenges.

Inspiring Words From "The Life We Are Given"

By George Leonard, Michael Murphy
Get a deeper sense of the core practices that form the foundation of ITP in this 24-minute audio excerpt from the book, The Life We Are Given, read by co-authors and founders George Leonard and Michael Murphy.