Community Practice

The Power of Community

By Ann Horn
A community of practice is more than just a gathering of like-minded individuals. It’s a dynamic, living entity where people come together with a shared commitment to learning, growing and supporting one another. In this space, we build deep connections, share invaluable resources and develop a rich, shared practice through sustained interaction and mutual respect.

Messages from the Body

By Lucy Piper
An ITP practice can bring surprising and gratifying physical changes. Walking 10 to 15 miles a day sounds like a challenge to a body at any age. Lucy Piper took herself to northwestern Spain to commemorate her 80th birthday on an ancient trail.

How a Person and an Inspiration Started the Tulsa ITP Community

By Robert Doenges, Annie Ellicott
Inspired at Esalen, built in Oklahoma – that’s the righteous road Bob Doenges describes in this interview with Annie Ellicott, ITP Tulsa and Integral Leadership Mastery member. Bob describes the beginnings of the ITP Tulsa community that he formed years ago; the two ITP Tulsa groups continue to flourish to this day.

The Ki of Cooperation - An ITP Online Community

By Ann Horn
Thanks to technology, the Ki of Cooperation is a community group with members from all over of the world. The space may be virtual, but the community is real. Ann writes, "We believe in a community of practice. Communities of practice are groups of people who share a concern and learn how to do better as they interact regularly. In our case, the common concern is to cultivate harmony through skillful cooperation across boundaries."

Co-creating a Leaderful ITP Community in San Rafael, CA

By Donita Decker
Creating an ITP group is a learning process and a practice of its own. Donita Decker and Tim Cleary were on an evolving journey participating in and leading ITP Mastery programs for several years. After many conversations about starting their own group, ITP San Rafael was formed in 2012 and has morphed into a leaderful group filled with generosity of spirit, mutual regard and love - the heart of ITP.

Practicing ITP in a Community Setting Brings It Alive

By Robert Stewart
A key component of ITP focuses on cultivating an ongoing practice. Regular practice is seen as essential for achieving lasting transformation and growth. Practice allows us to develop and refine our skills, acquire new knowledge, form healthy habits, achieve mastery, and build resilience. Through physical, mental or spiritual practice, consistency and intentionality have a transformative impact on our lives.

Stepping on the Path of Integral Leadership

By Jill Robinson
The Integral Leadership Mastery program provides a path of self-discovery, a vision for the future and a close-knit practice community offering wisdom and support. This exploration is aimed at tapping into our extraordinary capacity to produce positive changes in key areas of life. Integral Leadership participants, Dusty Niles and Lisa Wade, share what Integral Leadership means to them and how it is realized in their daily lives.

Homeostasis and Resistance to Change

By George Leonard
In this spirited presentation, ITP co-founder George Leonard describes the reasons why we humans are wired to resist change and how we can negotiate with resistance in order to grow and transform.

Excerpt from Living an Extraordinary Life, The Magic of Integral Transformative Practice

By Christina Grote, Pam Kramer
In this excerpt from ITP's upcoming book, authors Christina Grote and Pam Kramer continue to explore new territory and more effective methods of transformation within our living, evolving practice. With what we are calling ITPx we intend to reconnect ITP to its founding vision— an adventure into humankind’s evolutionary frontier, a launchpad, as George Leonard called it, for places yet unknown.

A Practice that Continues to Evolve

By Jill Robinson, Pam Kramer
The notion of evolution applies to both the self-evolution of practitioners and also evolution of the practice itself. Thirty-one years later, the practice lives on because we find it works in wondrous ways, is not a one-size fits all and, mostly, because the practice has evolution built into its DNA.

ITP Community Spotlight on Connie Swan

By Connie Swan, Robert Stewart
Learn more about Connie Swan and the experience and insight she's gained as a long-time practitioner and member of ITP Tulsa. "As a longtime student of the human potential movement, I found ITP right up my alley and applied to join the program straightaway. The mastery teachers who led the sessions impressed me so much that accepting the invitation to join the local Thursday Tulsa ITP group was an easy decision. I definitely wanted to have what they were having!"

ITP Community Spotlight on Michael Choy

By Michael Choy
Michael Choy, Mastery teacher and one of the founding members of ITP Palo Alto, shares how ITP has nurtured his ongoing transformation, how their collective practice has evolved within their group and what he is looking forward to most about co-leading the upcoming series: “The Magic of the Integral.”

Learning from an Evolving Community Kata Practice

By Ken Piper
Ten-year ITP practitioner and ITP Tulsa group member, Ken Piper, shares his experience and unexpected ways he’s grown during these past few years, and how the Kata continues to be “brilliant by design” no matter the setting.