We are deeply grateful for the generosity of our funders, donors, partners and sponsors (*listed below) who support key initiatives that move us forward. On behalf of our Board and staff, our warmest appreciation goes out to you for ensuring the legacy of our organization. Donations make possible our programs and events and allow us to spread our practice to a more expanded audience world-wide.
Become a supporter of ITP International to partner with us in stewarding the work of George Leonard and Michael Murphy and advance the practice of ITP.
$2,500 +/year
Below, we acknowledge those who have contributed to the General Fund with recent gifts of $2500 or more.
- Anonymous
- Robert Doenges
- Lydia & Patrick Dugan
- Mike Gold
- Christina & Jim Grote
- Rachel Hamilton
- David Harnden & Susan Bailey
- Pamela Kramer & Richard Sigberman
- Emanuel Kuntzelman & Laura Rose
- Michael & Dulce Murphy
- Dusty Niles & Misty Pedelaborde
- Kenneth Niles
- Greg Owens
- Jerry & Linda Patchen
- Barry & Christine Robbins
- Steve & Mary Swig
- Helen Washecheck & Rick Poplin
- George Zimmer
Below, we acknowledge those who have contributed to the General Fund with recent gifts of $1000-2499.
- Thomas Andersen
- Barbara Brown & Tim Cleary
- Donita Decker
- SF Giants Organization
- William Doenges
- Steve & Sharon Edelman
- Mike Ginn
- Mike Johnson
- Kim Kristenson-Lee
- Christine Rickerby & Rudy Collins
- Billy Spicknall & Desert Willow Golf Resort
- Stephen Swire
- Daphne Wise
- Vincent Worms
Below, we acknowledge those who have contributed to the General Fund with recent gifts of $500-999.
- The Law Offices of Matthew Brekhus
- Gerald Birnberg
- Ahna & Tony Dominski
- Craig Focardi
- John Geesman
- Ray Hamilton
- Charlotte Hatch
- ITP Palo Alto
- Cessna & Doug Kaye
- The Mill Valley Inn
- Carole Pentony
- Shivas Irons Society/Ben Kline
- Michelle Sixta
- Matthew Steinbach & Marta Malecki
Below, we acknowledge those who have contributed to the General Fund with recent gifts of $1-499.
- Michelle Anise Mackey
- Dennis Balch
- Steven Biegel
- Maya Blanton
- Doran Blinderman
- Richard Bollig
- Karen Caldwell
- Pamela Carrara, SF School of Yoga
- Ann & John Christensen
- Bill Condaxis & Cinnabar Hills Golf Club
- Felicia Ferguson, Piazza D'Angelo
- Arlene Folkers
- Michelle Fontaine
- Robert Gilbert
- The Golf Mart
- Gloria Guba
- Robert Harlow
- MacDonald Hawley
- Joe Hirsch
- Roberta Hoffman
- ITP Kansas
- ITP San Rafael
- Richard "Bucky" Jackson & Constance Murray
- Steve Jacobsen
- RJ Jennings
- Jack & Allison Jensen
- Eric Jones Golf Academy
- George Kelley
- Ben Kline
- Jayme Kramer
- Brian Larsen
- Dave Levy
- Tom Lewis
- Kevin Maher
- Kenneth Marsh
- Roger Marsh
- John McCardy
- Peter Melton
- Ron & Mary Nahser
- Karena & Stewart Oberman
- Stan & LoAnne Olson
- Justin Ptachen
- Lattie Patchen
- Tyler Pazik
- Stephen Perelson
- Julie Perkins
- Richard Perrault
- Jeremey Raymond
- Jill Robinson
- Pete Shoemaker
- Stephen Smith
- Sports Basement, Novato
- Josh & Lily Stadtler
- Shoshana Stadtler
- Robert Stewart
- Gerald Stratford
- Jonathan Thompson
- Gregg Trueman
- Autumn Wagner
- Brian Warren
- Mary & Dave Waluk
- Michael Weinnig
- Mark Wille
- James Windell Smith
- Tommy Wolf
- Scott Wren
For the Love of ITP fundraiser 2024
Thank you to those who have sponsored or donated to For the Love of ITP, our annual fundraiser dinner. Click here to view a PDF list of all contributors, including volunteers and staff.
Golf in the Kingdom 2023
Thank you to those who have sponsored, donated or participated in ITPI's annual Golf in the Kingdom fundraiser. Click here to view a PDF list of all contributors, including volunteers and staff.
*This list is updated on a quarterly basis and after each of our major fundraisers, listing those who have donated in the past 12 months.