Evolutionary Panentheism in Practice

By Michael Murphy, Roger Marsh
ITP co-founder Michael Murphy and ITP Mastery teacher Roger Marsh discuss how ITP as a practice is coherent with the underlying theory and philosophy of Evolutionary Panentheism.

ITP Community Spotlight on Connie Swan

By Connie Swan, Robert Stewart
Learn more about Connie Swan and the experience and insight she's gained as a long-time practitioner and member of ITP Tulsa. "As a longtime student of the human potential movement, I found ITP right up my alley and applied to join the program straightaway. The mastery teachers who led the sessions impressed me so much that accepting the invitation to join the local Thursday Tulsa ITP group was an easy decision. I definitely wanted to have what they were having!"

A Practice for Honoring the Past and Celebrating Our Potential for Growth

By Pam Kramer, Donita Decker
The beginning of the year is a natural marker to reflect on transformative progress and challenges. Inspired by the January 2022 GLEE call program led by ITPI president Pam Kramer and ITP San Rafael group leader Donita Decker, this practice guides you in setting and aligning with your vision for the year ahead by celebrating your growth and learning from challenges.

Supernormalities of Everyday Life

By Michael Murphy
This section is drawn from Chapter Four of The Future of the Body by Michael Murphy entitled The Supernormalities of Everyday Life. Included in this document, is an inventory that can help you bring to consciousness unusual events you may have dismissed without recognizing them as the glimmering of potential extraordinary capacities.

Affirmations and the Understudied Side of Contemplation

By Michael Lifshitz, Josh Brahinsky, TM Luhrmann
As part of their ongoing study of ITP, Stanford University researchers, Michael Lifshitz, Josh Brahinsky and TM Luhrmann, explore the practice of affirmations and their discovery of how practitioners embrace the tension between both honoring the present state while, at the same, envisioning positive, lasting change.

Personal Practice As Ongoing Transformative Research

By Jill Robinson
Integral Transformative Practice can be visualized as a four-legged stool, with each sturdy leg representing a core value of ITP: theory, practice, community and research. While there is an abundance of resources on the theory guiding ITP, reinforced by an incredibly supportive community in practice, the “research” component can sometimes be overlooked.

ITP Community Spotlight on Michael Choy

By Michael Choy
Michael Choy, Mastery teacher and one of the founding members of ITP Palo Alto, shares how ITP has nurtured his ongoing transformation, how their collective practice has evolved within their group and what he is looking forward to most about co-leading the upcoming series: “The Magic of the Integral.”