Future of the Body

The Human Potential Movement Then & Now with Michael Murphy

By Michael Murphy
Michael Murphy, author, co-founder of the world-famous Esalen Institute, cofounder of ITP, and pioneer of the Human Potential Movement starting in the 60s, relates a wealth of intimate experience, knowledge, and wisdom covering his decades of living at the leading edge of transformative practice and the realization of human potential. Michael talks about Esalen’s latest research, our current crisis of belief, and the anchoring question that has guided Esalen (and Michael) all along: how best to serve?

Excerpt from Living an Extraordinary Life, The Magic of Integral Transformative Practice

By Christina Grote, Pam Kramer
In this excerpt from ITP's upcoming book, authors Christina Grote and Pam Kramer continue to explore new territory and more effective methods of transformation within our living, evolving practice. With what we are calling ITPx we intend to reconnect ITP to its founding vision— an adventure into humankind’s evolutionary frontier, a launchpad, as George Leonard called it, for places yet unknown.

Poetry and the Further Reaches of Our Potential

By Jill Robinson
In our life-long pursuit toward the further reaches of our potential, we must always proceed with that first step. I recently spoke with Bob about his own practice, particularly his extraordinary capacity to retain and recite poetry. As with so many special conversations we’ve had, it was a flow of wisdom punctuated with a poem.

Supernormalities of Everyday Life

By Michael Murphy
This section is drawn from Chapter Four of The Future of the Body by Michael Murphy entitled The Supernormalities of Everyday Life. Included in this document, is an inventory that can help you bring to consciousness unusual events you may have dismissed without recognizing them as the glimmering of potential extraordinary capacities.