Christina Grote

Christina Grote

Christina Grote is a practitioner, ITPI board member and leader of Integral Transformative Practice, a long-term program for realizing the fullest potential of body, mind, heart and soul. She is co-author of Living an Extraordinary Life: The Magic of Integral Transformative Practice with Pam Kramer. Christina founded ITP Columbus and co-founded Good Medicine, an educational center in Columbus, Ohio.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Spring 2024

In our Spring issue, we unpack and explore the practice of GRACE. A simple personal exercise with profound outcomes! How does this practice support you in your life?

GRACE: It’s More than an Acronym

By Christina Grote
The practice of GRACE is the opening move of the ITP Kata: Ground, Relax, Aware, Center and Energize. These steps can be called into action any time we need to come into the present moment. Beyond the acronym, grace is a powerful energy, a transmission of divine love or a higher consciousness that is freely given, often unexpectedly, received but not directly earned. ITPI board member and co-author of Living an Extraordinary Life Christina Grote talks about how ITP practices open us up to grace.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Fall 2023

Our fall newsletter focuses on how we live our practice, different for each of us as ITP is not a "one size fits all practice." In this issue, members of our ITP teaching team write about the changes they are awake to in each aspect of their integral being - body, mind, heart, and soul.

The Ever-Developing Mind

By Christina Grote, Pam Kramer
With our minds, we think, we reason, we learn, we imagine, and we dream. We strategize, make decisions, and set intentions and goals. Through the capacity of self-reflection, the mind provides a sense of personal history and continuity to our lives, the sense of being ourselves… We discern truth from falsehood. We set our intentions for who we want to be in the world and what we want to accomplish in life.

Connections Through the Heart

By Christina Grote, Pam Kramer
In many cultures the heart was, and still is, considered to be the seat of intelligence and intuition, a special window into the world and its divine nature. When we see with the eyes of heart we can perceive things as they are without judgment. Our perception is filtered through the lens of love.

Powers of the Soul

By Christina Grote, Pam Kramer
Soul is another term that has many meanings in many different cultures and traditions, but in these pages, we use it to refer to the deepest part of our being. It is a part of us that is as essential as the body, mind, and heart; a part of us and yet beyond them all. You might think of it as our personal spark of the greater divinity, unique to each one of us. If you prefer another term, such as deeper or higher or original Self (with a capital S to distinguish it from the small self or ego), or even purpose, please use what is most meaningful for you.

The Body as Teacher

By Christina Grote, Pam Kramer
ITP honors the body as an amazing teacher and guide. Further, we believe that the body is capable of transformation in both ordinary and extraordinary ways. ITP includes several practices to enhance the health of the body, such as the ITP Kata, aerobic exercise, strength training, and conscious eating. The body is our foundation, our vehicle to express ourselves in the world, and it requires appropriate care to realize its fullest potential.

Integrating Body, Mind, Heart, and Soul

By Christina Grote, Pam Kramer
Putting together all aspects of our integral being is a practice itself. Conscious, embodied integration of our many parts reinforces wholeness, balance, and integrity—much of what ITP promises for practitioners. Rather than focusing awareness on one aspect of ourselves, such as the heart with its vast array of feelings, the staying current practice prompts us to pay equal attention to all aspects—the totality of who we are – to mine our deeper truths for self-understanding, growth, and mindful action.

Unlocking Extraordinary Capacities

By Christina Grote
Under the right circumstances, you could achieve what you perceive is impossible. The ego is a tricky thing. It has the potential to warp your perception and confine you to a reality that negates the good and enhances the bad. Everyone wants change, but it must start from within. Listen to the interview with Dr. Lorne Brown and Christina Grote.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Fall 2022

Supporting your practice and cultivating your extraordinary nature In this final issue of our 2022 quarterly newsletter, we share tools and resources for supporting your practice and cultivating your extraordinary nature. We have also included communication guidelines and a meditation on love to help you navigate this holiday season and beyond.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Summer 2022

Our potential for realizing extraordinary capacities for personal and social transformation This third issue of our 2022 quarterly newsletter centers on the theme of our potential for realizing extraordinary capacities for personal and social transformation.

Excerpt from Living an Extraordinary Life, The Magic of Integral Transformative Practice

By Christina Grote, Pam Kramer
In this excerpt from ITP's upcoming book, authors Christina Grote and Pam Kramer continue to explore new territory and more effective methods of transformation within our living, evolving practice. With what we are calling ITPx we intend to reconnect ITP to its founding vision— an adventure into humankind’s evolutionary frontier, a launchpad, as George Leonard called it, for places yet unknown.

ITPI Practice Resources for Lasting Change - December 2021

Experiencing the Extraordinary Happy holidays! We wind down the year with our final issue of the ITP practice resources newsletter by focusing on the extraordinary in everyday life. These past weeks are so often a blur of to-do lists and year-end tasks. We hope that the content below offers a gentle reminder to slow down and inhabit a sense of awe in the life we are given.

ITPI Practice Resources for Lasting Change - September 2021

This month's newsletter features a number of resources to explore and build upon the philosophy of embracing what is possible within your own ongoing transformation. We hope the tools below inspire "aha" moments and invigorate your practice and worldview.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Winter 2021

This Quarterly issue focuses on the power of vision and the worldview that informs our practice. The stories below honor our roots and illustrate how the four legs of ITP - Vision, Practice, Community and Research - continue to inform and evolve our pioneering endeavor.

ITPI Practice Resources for Lasting Change - February 2021

A Practice Rooted in Love – This month's newsletter is an opportunity to return to the theory and vision that informs ITP. In these exciting and critically important times in human history, we hope the resources below help you embody a practice inspired by love to inspire the ongoing advancement of our selves and the world.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Fall 2020

2020 marks our 15th year as a non-profit organization. In honor of this occasion, we spotlight the ITP 9 commitments in this issue, which form the basis for our practice. Enjoy viewing video clips and reading articles submitted by our wonderful ITP teachers, as each reflect on the personal impact of the commitments on their lives.

ITPI Practice Resources for Lasting Change - September 2020

Exploring the Extraordinary through Energy Awareness – There’s never been a more important time to reconnect with the extraordinary. We hope that this month’s resources help reinforce the power of greater awareness found through Leonard Energy Training and the body as teacher. Perhaps even more exciting, are the possibilities that unfold in this practice that lead us toward the next stage of human evolution.

ITPI Practice Resources for Lasting Change - December 2019

"Expect nothing. Be ready for anything." – This month we honor the soul and our extraordinary capacities waiting to be realized on this exciting path of practice. As ITP co-founder, George Leonard said; "Expect nothing. Be ready for anything." In honor of the 10th year since his passing, the resources below are inspired by his belief in the human potential. We hope that this season surprises you with a sense of awe as we walk this path of practice together.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Winter 2019

This issue shines light on the Heart aspect of the integral and the vast power of love - the central impulse of our practice. Our contributors take us on a journey to explore the meaning of love and the challenges we may face opening our hearts.

Towards a Larger Earth

Catch a glimpse of our supernormal capacities and how integral practice can propel our evolution in this excerpt from the book, Purpose Rising, A Global Movement of Transformation and Meaning.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Spring 2018

In this Spring issue, we feature the theme of creativity in its many forms. Suggest you set aside some time, take a few full body breaths and delight in reading the inventive ways our guest writers explore the topic.

Supernormal Capacities

Take a deep dive into realizing your supernormal capacities through ITP in this audio presentation by Barry Robbins and Christina Grote, first shared during our January 2015 Group Leader conference call.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Winter 2018

In this winter issue, we focus on "the budding limbs and organs of our supernature," as Michael Murphy describes our supernormal capacities in The Future of the Body and other works. Enjoy what our writers have to say about our evolving nature.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Summer 2017

In this issue, learn how practitioners and ITP groups experience wonder in their worlds - through art, poetry, the blending of cultures, sacred text and the expansion of the mind.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Winter 2017

Enjoy the articles related to love and the practice of the extraordinary in this issue. We dedicate this newsletter to the power of love and its capacity to heal and help us to flourish.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Spring 2015

Enjoy hearing more about Catching Fire in this issue and the ITP group leader gathering May 15 - 17 at Earthrise. Also, read about new works coming out of CTR.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Spring 2014

In this issue, we feature how our extraordinary nature is built right into our animal bodies and how our evolving practice sets the stage for realizing our budding supernature. Read how ITPI chair Christina Grote offers a glimpse of the vision of human development outlined in Michael Murphy's The Future of the Body and how George Leonard profiles the human brain in his 2008 Human Potential Chronicles. Also, enjoy learning how Leadership Transformed 2014 presenters Penney Peirce and Rachel Hamilton impart inventive and playful ways to greet others with curiosity, empathy and compassion - all extraordinary capacities at our fingertips.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Spring 2013

Explore ITP's roots in India along with a recounting of one group member's experience on a pilgrimage to this country; be inspired by ITP Houston's unexpected turnout for their open sessions; and learn more about why we change from Cassi Vieten, IONS CEO.