personal practice

LET – Soft Eyes

By Charlotte Hatch
We usually look at our world with an agenda. We look at something. We look for something. What if we didn’t perceive the world through “hard eyes”? ITP Mastery Teacher Charlotte Hatch and ITP practitioners demonstrate experiencing the world through “soft eyes.”

ITP Community Spotlight on Matthew Cobb

By Matthew Cobb, Sally Isaacs
Dr. Matthew Cobb started his professional ministry in The Episcopal Church (TEC) where he has served as campus minister, community organizer, healthcare chaplain, development officer, parish priest, indigenous missioner, leadership developer and spiritual director. ITP and the Ki of Cooperation play an important role in his personal and professional lives.

LET – Getting Off the Line

By Charlotte Hatch
To achieve cooperation with another, it can help to look at the situation from the other person’s point of view. Leonard Energy Training offers an exercise to help us achieve this. ITP Mastery Teacher Charlotte Hatch teaches the exercise “Getting Off the Line,” reminding us to listen to the other person while taking care of ourselves.

The Ki of Cooperation in Practice

By Ann Horn
Gaining insights during a facilitated exercise is great, but do they really make a difference in everyday life? In my experience, absolutely! The key is sticking with the practice and actively working on those insights. At first, it might feel like progress is slow, but then one day, you suddenly realize how far you've come. Here’s a personal example that illustrates this journey.

Cooperation in the World: As Big or as Small as you Like

By Roger Marsh
With cooperation in the world, the Ki of Cooperation infinitely expands its reach into the world around us. The “world” can be as big or as small as you like. Take for example this famous quote by William Blake: “To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.” The world is readily available and limited only by our perception of it.

Cooperation with Community: Navigating the Complexities

By Ann Horn
What makes cooperation in a community different from cooperating with just one other person? The answer lies in the complexity. As the number of participants grows, so do the intricacies and challenges of maintaining effective cooperation.

Gifts from GRACE

By Charlotte Hatch
The practice of GRACE before the Kata sometimes runs through our minds automatically. But greater gifts come with closer examination. ITP Mastery teacher Charlotte Hatch takes us step-by-step through the best of her practice and reflects on how it affects her life.

Demonstrating GRACE

By Charlotte Hatch
Charlotte Hatch leads the practice of GRACE as a series of affirmations and follows it with the Kata.

The Science of Generosity

People demonstrate generosity in myriad ways, from gifts of time and money to everyday acts of kindness toward loved ones—and even to deeds that involve substantial self-sacrifice, like donating a kidney to a stranger. But we are often nowhere near as generous as we could (or even aspire to) be. In short: although we have the capacity to be generous, we don’t always act generously. The John Templeton Foundation did an extensive study of “The Science of Generosity,” answering many important questions.

Generosity with Self

By Pam Kramer
Generosity with self is no small feat. We can be more dedicated to giving to others and overlook the importance of tending to our own needs. Generosity with self is essential to transform, especially through our ITP practice. In this essay, Pam Kramer describes her take on the topic.

Generosity Within Community

By Robert Doenges
ITPI is the epitome of generosity within community, starting with the work and inspiration of Michael Murphy and George Leonard. The fruit of their generosity has blossomed throughout the world.

Generosity in the World

By Michael Choy
Michael Choy explains how his “excessive volunteering” is deeply connected to honoring his father. In an effort to become more balanced, vital, and healthy, he poses some questions for all of us.

Affirming Generosity as a Transformative Practice

By Barry Robbins
Affirmations are one of the most potent practices that ITP offers. They can be a powerful vehicle for transformation. Affirming generosity can come in many forms and offer many enriching benefits.

Giving and Receiving in the Kata

By Pam Kramer
The Ebb and Flow Rowing practice found in the Kata is a wonderful opportunity to visualize generously extending your gifts out to the world and lovingly receiving back. The back-and-forth motion evokes a sense of balance and a purification practice for one’s entire being. Generosity in action as a generous gift to oneself!

ITP at the Drawing Table

By Rich Sigberman
An ITP practice can gift us with benefits in large and small ways. Sometimes we just need to stop and notice what has changed. Artist Rich Sigberman shares what he's noticed.

Messages from the Heart

By Charlotte Hatch
Messages from the heart can show up in everyday places. Thanks to her ITP practice, Charlotte Hatch took notice of her heart's messages.

Messages from the Body

By Lucy Piper
An ITP practice can bring surprising and gratifying physical changes. Walking 10 to 15 miles a day sounds like a challenge to a body at any age. Lucy Piper took herself to northwestern Spain to commemorate her 80th birthday on an ancient trail.

ITP Community Spotlight on Pam Kramer

By Pam Kramer, Sally Isaacs
Each ITP newsletter spotlights a member of the ITP community so that they can share some insight into their practice and the role ITP plays in their life. This newsletter, with its theme of “Community and Leadership,” shines a light on Pam Kramer. Pam is the president of ITP International, an ITP Mastery teacher, is on the faculty of Esalen Institute, and presents workshops at venues in the US and abroad. She is engaged in training ITP teachers, helping to form ITP groups and bringing integral principles and practices to the workplace. Pam was the honoree of the “For the Love of ITP” event on May 2.

Co-creating a Leaderful ITP Community in San Rafael, CA

By Donita Decker
Creating an ITP group is a learning process and a practice of its own. Donita Decker and Tim Cleary were on an evolving journey participating in and leading ITP Mastery programs for several years. After many conversations about starting their own group, ITP San Rafael was formed in 2012 and has morphed into a leaderful group filled with generosity of spirit, mutual regard and love - the heart of ITP.

Practicing ITP in a Community Setting Brings It Alive

By Robert Stewart
A key component of ITP focuses on cultivating an ongoing practice. Regular practice is seen as essential for achieving lasting transformation and growth. Practice allows us to develop and refine our skills, acquire new knowledge, form healthy habits, achieve mastery, and build resilience. Through physical, mental or spiritual practice, consistency and intentionality have a transformative impact on our lives.

Balancing & Centering with Lucy Piper, ITP Teacher

By Lucy Piper

Sometimes everyday situations can throw us off balance – a long line at the supermarket, holding the phone for some tech support, the waiting room of the doctor’s office. A Balancing and Centering exercise can be just what we need to return to a calm and accepting state. At the February ITPI Open House (on Zoom), Lucy Piper led this nearly 11-minute exercise that will help you find your center during life’s challenges.

ITP Community Spotlight on Annie Ellicott

By Annie Ellicott, Sally Isaacs
Learn more about Annie Ellicott and the experience and insight she's gained as a practitioner. “Recognizing, honoring and skillfully navigating homeostasis has been incredibly helpful to my long-term progress as a singer, songwriter, improviser and voice actor. Being comfortable in the role of the fool has given me access to new career paths and incredible adventures.”

ITP Community Spotlight on Sally Isaacs

By Sally Isaacs, Jill Robinson
Learn more about Sally Isaacs and the experience and insight she's gained as a practitioner. She shares; "I am inspired by the concept of transformation. Through words and practice, I believe we can change how we feel and the course our life takes each day."

Balancing and Centering

By George Leonard
Bring your entire being into balance during this guided ITP exercise led by co-founder George Leonard. Using the foundational practices of ITP and Leonard Energy Training, you’ll gain an understanding of why being centered sets the course for a harmonious and balanced life, and how to return to your center during life’s challenges.

Poetry and the Further Reaches of Our Potential

By Jill Robinson
In our life-long pursuit toward the further reaches of our potential, we must always proceed with that first step. I recently spoke with Bob about his own practice, particularly his extraordinary capacity to retain and recite poetry. As with so many special conversations we’ve had, it was a flow of wisdom punctuated with a poem.

Experiencing the Integrative Essence of ITP

The powers of body, mind, heart and soul which, when balanced and integrated, awaken us to infinite possibilities for greater life. While the Kata is an extremely effective way to integrate and support body, mind, heart and soul evolution, I sought to bring these quadrants of being together through another passion – exercise.

ITP Community Spotlight on Michael Choy

By Michael Choy
Michael Choy, Mastery teacher and one of the founding members of ITP Palo Alto, shares how ITP has nurtured his ongoing transformation, how their collective practice has evolved within their group and what he is looking forward to most about co-leading the upcoming series: “The Magic of the Integral.”