Michael Choy

Michael Choy

Michael Choy is one of the founding members of ITP Palo Alto, which has been meeting since 2004. Michael actively explores the idea that we are "spirits in spacesuits," honoring and developing our "spacesuit," comprised of body, mind, heart, and soul. Michael is a CPA and a former high tech corporate CFO. As an executive, he has helped employees thrive by teaching them Leonard Energy Training and ITP principles. Michael also serves on the Board of Directors of Companions on the Journey and the Sophia Foundation.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Winter 2024

In this newsletter, we explore George Leonard's favorite word, Generosity, from a variety of angles. Allow yourself to soak in the power of that word and notice what's occurring when generosity is vivid inside you. Enjoy exploring the articles and clips on what generosity means to others and also for you.

Generosity in the World

By Michael Choy
Michael Choy explains how his “excessive volunteering” is deeply connected to honoring his father. In an effort to become more balanced, vital, and healthy, he poses some questions for all of us.

ITP Community Spotlight on Michael Choy

By Michael Choy
Michael Choy, Mastery teacher and one of the founding members of ITP Palo Alto, shares how ITP has nurtured his ongoing transformation, how their collective practice has evolved within their group and what he is looking forward to most about co-leading the upcoming series: “The Magic of the Integral.”

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Winter 2022

Personal, community and global evolution This first issue of our 2022 quarterly newsletter touches on the theme of personal, community and global evolution. Our integral transformation inevitably inspires a ripple effect to include our relationships and beyond.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Winter 2021

This Quarterly issue focuses on the power of vision and the worldview that informs our practice. The stories below honor our roots and illustrate how the four legs of ITP - Vision, Practice, Community and Research - continue to inform and evolve our pioneering endeavor.