Annie Ellicott

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Spring 2023

Spring is in high bloom here in Northern California, prompting more time outdoors to stretch, garden, connect and soak in the beauty of the season. What awakens inside of you this time of year, wherever you are on our precious planet?

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Winter 2023

How can we honor the paradox of both being and becoming? ITP encourages appreciation of who we are now and, at the same time, affirms the positive transformation we seek of our future selves. Both are true. What are you noticing about where you are now and where you want to be in 2023?

How a Person and an Inspiration Started the Tulsa ITP Community

By Robert Doenges, Annie Ellicott
Inspired at Esalen, built in Oklahoma – that’s the righteous road Bob Doenges describes in this interview with Annie Ellicott, ITP Tulsa and Integral Leadership Mastery member. Bob describes the beginnings of the ITP Tulsa community that he formed years ago; the two ITP Tulsa groups continue to flourish to this day.

ITP Community Spotlight on Annie Ellicott

By Annie Ellicott, Sally Isaacs
Learn more about Annie Ellicott and the experience and insight she's gained as a practitioner. “Recognizing, honoring and skillfully navigating homeostasis has been incredibly helpful to my long-term progress as a singer, songwriter, improviser and voice actor. Being comfortable in the role of the fool has given me access to new career paths and incredible adventures.”