Practice Tools for the Journey

Supernormalities of Everyday Life

By Michael Murphy
This section is drawn from Chapter Four of The Future of the Body by Michael Murphy entitled The Supernormalities of Everyday Life. Included in this document, is an inventory that can help you bring to consciousness unusual events you may have dismissed without recognizing them as the glimmering of potential extraordinary capacities.

Reading list for ITP Beginners

Whether you are new to ITP or a seasoned ITP practitioner, check out our suggested reading list to deepen your understanding of the teachings within your personal practice.

Power of Practice Workshop Materials

This collection of workshop materials is a great resource to get acquainted with the key themes of the practice, including Leonard Energy Training, Staying Current and the 9 Commitments of ITP.

ITP Practice Guide

Whether you are new to ITP or a seasoned practitioner, this guide will help you set clear intentions and outline steps to make positive changes in body, mind, heart and soul.