ITP Community Spotlight on Rudy Collins

1. How did you become involved in ITP? And are you currently a member of any ITP group?

I first became involved in ITP through my partner, Christine Rickerby, when we began seeing each other about ten years ago. I noticed a lot of similarities and congruence between ITP and other personal work and interests I’ve had over the years. Outside of being a Board member, I am currently not formally a member of any ITP group.

2. Within your practice, what insights have you experienced that have made the biggest impact in your daily life?

One of the amazing things I’ve experienced and learned is that small, and sometimes seemingly minute, efforts done consistently as part of a (my) practice can make a huge impact when they are sustained.

3. What ITP practice resource/exercise/quote has been most helpful in your transformative journey?

Most helpful for me is having a daily Kata and starting each day with a morning, body-based practice to center, ground and help integrate my thoughts and movement. While I usually do this on my own, my involvement with ITP has helped to keep this practice top of mind (and body, heart and soul!). Also, having a declaration helps give purpose to the practice.

4. Have you participated in any ITP programs and if so, what resources or teachings have benefitted you most from the experience?

I’ve participated in the Ki of Cooperation and LET (Leonard Energy Training) as well as attended several talks at the Falkirk and the Tamalpais dojo over the years. The learnings related to Cooperation Within are of great importance and benefit, as for me it sets the foundation for engaging with others.

5. In thinking about making transformative changes in your life, what are your priorities and/or goals?

My priorities include maintaining and, where possible, improving my physical and mental health. Along with that, I have a goal to keep learning, be it on my own, or preferably, through the interaction with and support from others. There was a time when I would view a “transformative” change as being something that was achieved/actualized as a quantum change. I have come to realize that transformation, for me, tends to occur from sustained and consistent practice of sometimes small acts.

6. Do you have any favorite books, podcasts or newsletters that align with and support your practice?

I love learning and practice reading or listening to books to expand my awareness and understanding. Many different subjects interest and excite me including books on history, short stories, travel and science. Mary Oliver’s “The Journey” is a favorite poem that has supported my practice from my earliest days of focusing on a more integrated path of personal development. It is also important for me to have some joy each and every day, and listening to or playing music supports my practice. The beauty of music is that it can be experienced and understood by nearly everyone regardless of one’s linguistic background.

7. What ways have ITP and this practice supported your work/engagement in the larger community and world?

ITP and the Ki of Cooperation have supported me and my work and engagement with others who sometimes hold very different views and values about what is and what should be in the world.

8. Any additional comments you would like to add about ITP?

It has been a great experience being part of such a welcoming and supportive community!