To empower your evolution of body, mind, heart and soul, it’s helpful to understand the key practices of ITP, designed to help you achieve your long-term goals for healthy transformation.
As you begin your journey, it’s also important to be familiar with two overarching principles to guide you as an ITP practitioner:
ITP isn’t a quick-fix approach and you are your own authority.

ITP Kata: The Tao of Practice
The Kata is a series of movements that exercise body, mind, heart and soul. Inspired by the martial art of aikido, yoga and strength training, this moving meditation activates all muscle groups and joints, as well as stimulates deep breathing and relaxation throughout the 45 minute series of movements.

Leonard Energy Training
Leonard Energy Training exercises were developed by fifth-degree black belt sensei and ITP co-founder George Leonard and are based on the art and practice of aikido. LET provides a platform for increasing awareness, identifying reactive patterns and finding skillful means to respond under pressure in everyday life situations.

The Power of Affirmations
Affirmations are clear and concise statements focusing on your best conscious efforts on transformation of body, mind, heart, and soul. ITP practitioners make at least one affirmation every 6-12 months toward significant positive change within yourself. These affirmations are then integrated into your daily practice.

Connect with the ITP Community
There’s a profound value of an Integral Transformative Practice community in fostering lifelong learning and growth. It can create the context and confidence for your ongoing evolution, and create a close-knit network of people to celebrate with throughout the journey.

Possible Next Steps to Start Your Practice
Now that you’re familiar with the core components of ITP, it’s time to dive in. This checklist will help you outline your next steps.

“Just to consider getting started expands your vision and lifts your spirit. Taking the all-important first steps with a sincere heart can be a sort of enlightenment.”