Robert Doenges

Robert Doenges

Robert Doenges is an ITP Mastery teacher and serves on the board of ITPI. He has been practicing ITP for over 20 years and continues to experience an ongoing fullness and purpose to his life because of ITP. Bob founded the two ITP groups in Tulsa, OK, and has mentored many ITP group leaders. He has a passionate belief in the power of practice and one's ability to awaken to and keep playing the edge of one's potential through ITP. YeHo!

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Winter 2024

In this newsletter, we explore George Leonard's favorite word, Generosity, from a variety of angles. Allow yourself to soak in the power of that word and notice what's occurring when generosity is vivid inside you. Enjoy exploring the articles and clips on what generosity means to others and also for you.

Generosity Within Community

By Robert Doenges
ITPI is the epitome of generosity within community, starting with the work and inspiration of Michael Murphy and George Leonard. The fruit of their generosity has blossomed throughout the world.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Spring 2023

Spring is in high bloom here in Northern California, prompting more time outdoors to stretch, garden, connect and soak in the beauty of the season. What awakens inside of you this time of year, wherever you are on our precious planet?

How a Person and an Inspiration Started the Tulsa ITP Community

By Robert Doenges, Annie Ellicott
Inspired at Esalen, built in Oklahoma – that’s the righteous road Bob Doenges describes in this interview with Annie Ellicott, ITP Tulsa and Integral Leadership Mastery member. Bob describes the beginnings of the ITP Tulsa community that he formed years ago; the two ITP Tulsa groups continue to flourish to this day.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Summer 2022

Our potential for realizing extraordinary capacities for personal and social transformation This third issue of our 2022 quarterly newsletter centers on the theme of our potential for realizing extraordinary capacities for personal and social transformation.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Fall 2017

In this issue, we feature the necessity of practice to maintain our balance, agility and well being under extreme pressure. Discover insights from our contributors about the strength derived from staying connected to one's practice and experiencing the support of our global community as we do just that.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Winter 2016

Our ITP newsletter contributors - practitioners with their own flavor of creative genius - share how the creative process flows through them, aided by their practice. Enjoy this exploration, which includes poetry, art and creative interpretations of the Kata and Leonard Energy Training. Learn how even Mastery in the Heartland is also an outgrowth of the creative process.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Spring 2015

Enjoy hearing more about Catching Fire in this issue and the ITP group leader gathering May 15 - 17 at Earthrise. Also, read about new works coming out of CTR.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Winter 2014

ITP Houston's Jerry Patchen shares his thoughtful words about Lydia Dugan, who he considers to be "Houston's First Lady of Transformation" and who was ITP's For the Love Fundraiser Honoree. Lydia shares her insights on "The Importance of Practice" and read a perspective on a unique gathering in Sedona to explore how to transform the planet.