Rhiannon Catalyst

Rhiannon Catalyst

Rhiannon Catalyst is a multidisciplinary artist, vocalist, curator, event planner and tour manager with two decades of experience and accolades. Known first for her voice and her ear & eye for incredible talent, Catalyst is now also known for a specialized focus in the intersection of global cultures, art, and science.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Summer 2023

In our summer newsletter, we examine the various facets of the philosophy that shape our practice and learn from contributors about their interpretation of ITP’s worldview.

Embracing Our Collective Purpose to Unite Humanity

By Jill Robinson, Rhiannon Catalyst
Integral Transformative Practice has long embodied an evolutionary worldview “giving context to a practice pointing us toward the realization of our greater capacities.” As Christina Grote and Pam Kramer write in Living an Extraordinary Life: “Humankind is seen as part of a universal evolutionary unfolding, and we each play our unique part in that unfolding. We can experience the joy of being fully ourselves and fully connected to the cosmic movement of which we are an integral part. Who we are and what we do matters!” In the following excerpt, taken from The Holomovement anthology, co-authors Jill Robinson and Rhiannon Catalyst consider why honoring and nurturing our truest selves is critical in our collective transformation.